Ferrous and Non-ferrous Scrap and Valuable Scraps

In the recycling sector, it is very important to know the composition of the scrap for the applications to be made. Therefore, in addition to proper visual inspection of the material, quantification, sampling and analysis must also be performed.

RC Inspection management has over 30 years of experience in scrap materials. Employees are trained with this knowledge within the company, thus providing reliable information on the quality and quantity of the material to all parties involved in the recycling chain.

Services can be provided during and after loading, during unloading and for stocked materials.

RC Inspection has all the professional equipment needed to measure the radioactivity level of materials.


  • Quality inspection
  • Quantity inspection
  • Radiation Control
  • Explosive/Flammable Substance Control
  • Supervision of loading/transfer/unloading operations